Mythic Life Coaching Continues their Life Strategies Programs

With the announcement of our Mythic Life Program, many people have asked if we are using it to replace out current Life Strategies and Business Strategies Programs. We are not replacing anything. We are just offering clients more options, to delve deeper into themselves and create the life that they want.

Many of our current clients are completely happy with their current programs because they are getting the results that they want from them. Some clients only need help with obtaining just one goal, to stop smoking, lose weight, get rid of a fear, or to obtain a new habit. They will continue to be helped through the Life Tweak Program. Others have multiples goals that they want to achieve in their lives that may range from spiritual, educational, or careers oriented goals through wealth and money, health and wellness and personal growth goals. They can continue with their Life Strategies Programs and still receive the results that they expect. Likewise, clients enrolled in our Business Strategies Programs will continue to work on their business-oriented needs and goals and will continue to receive the results that they expect.

The Mythic Life Program will help and individual achieve their goals, but it will take them much deeper into themselves to deal with their past memories and outdated and limiting belief systems and to make the appropriate changes while viewing their endeavors through the eyes of their inner Hero on their very own Hero’s Journey. Since the Hero is what myths are made of, we examine and incorporate the Heroes and Gods of the client’s chosen pantheon to use as a background and environment in which the Hero must work through to obtain their goals, and who knows, maybe a personal Dragon or two will be slain in the process! Disclaimer: No real Dragons will be injured or killed, so we do not have to worry about P.E.T.A or the Humane Society from getting on our backs! Grin.

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