Code of Ethics

Mythic Life Coaching Code of Ethics

Section 1 – Client Interaction

As a coach:

  • I will recognize that this Code of Ethic applies to all of my coaching relationships.
  • I will always honor the coach/client relationship and view my client as an equal, regardless of the form or terms of compensation.
  • I will do my best to understand my client’s needs, wants and expectations and will reach an agreement with my client to meet them, if deemed reachable.
  • I will honestly and accurately represent my professional qualifications, training, certifications, accreditation, licenses and experience to my perspective and current clients.
  • I will honestly and accurately represent my abilities and potential values that I, as a coach, and the coaching process can provide to my clients.
  • I will endeavor to recognize any of my own personal issues that may positively or negatively affect my coaching relationship, and actively seek an appropriate solution that may include professional coaching or assistance, the short-term suspension of the coaching relationship or termination of the coaching relationship.
  • I will accurately attribute the ownership of any work, materials or ideas to their originator, whether that originator is myself or another professional.


Section 2 – Confidentiality

  • I will maintain the strictest level of confidentiality with all information, from client or others, unless the release of information is required by law.
  • I will store and dispose of all written or electronic communications in such a manner that complies with all applicable laws and regulations that ensures security, confidentiality and privacy.
  • I will ensure that my client agreements will contain the specifics to which confidentiality will not be maintained.
  • I will ensure that my client is aware that they may be anonymously referred to during conversations with my coach/mentor(s) and that those relationships are also completely confidential.
  • I will not divulge the names of any of my clients to current or perspective clients, business associates, professional service providers or to the general public unless permission to do so has already been provided in writing.
  • I will require all those that work with me and for me for the benefit of my clients to also follow the Mythic Life Coaching Code of Ethics, Section 2 – Confidentiality, numbers 8, 9 and 12.


Section 3 – Conflicts of Interest

  • I will not exploit a client or attempt to seek any inappropriate financial or non-financial advantages from the relationship.
  • I will distinguish a coaching relationship from other forms of relationships, such as a business relationship or a friendship, to avoid any conflict of interest.
  • I will deal with any conflicts of interest that may have a business or personal basis both quickly and effectively to prevent or minimize any negative effect on my client or clients.
  • I will disclose to my client any conflict openly and attempt to seek effective agreed upon management. If an agreement cannot be obtained, I will withdraw from the coaching relationship.


Section 4 – Contract Initiation

  • I will always explain my commitment to abide by this code before creating any contract and working with a client.
  • I will always disclose as much information concerning the methods that I incorporate into my programs with the client and will refer the client to outside sources if requested.
  • I will always completely explain the terms and conditions of the coaching agreement with my clients, so they have a complete understanding of not only the integrals, including confidentiality, financial obligations and the logistics of the relationship but also our individual roles, responsibilities and rights within the relationship prior to signing.
  • I will always strive to the best of my ability to create an agreement for a duration long enough to accomplish client’s goals.


Section 5 – Personal and Professional Boundaries

  • I will always maintain appropriate and culturally applicable boundaries with my clients, physical or otherwise.
  • I will always avoid any romantic or sexual relationships with current clients, individuals within my employ or outside professionals that I may work with for the benefit of my client. Furthermore, I will address any romantic or sexual relationships between the aforementioned parties or cancel the engagement to provide and ensure a safe working environment.


Section 6 – Termination of Coaching Relationship

  • I will respect my client’s right to terminate the coaching relationship at any time, subject to the provisions of the agreement.
  • I will encourage my client to stop the coaching relationship if I feel they can be better served by another coach or other professional.


Section 7 – Professional Development and Studies

  • I will continually seek out and participate in professional development and training to enhance both my personal and professional abilities and skills to better serve my client’s needs and fulfill their coaching expectations.