Dr. Reynolds has obtained Certification as Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

On March 8, 2016, Dr Reynolds obtained his NLP Certification which verifies his ability to actively use NLP in his clients programs. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is basically the systematic study of human performance . . . or in our case, the ability to promote change by working with the subconscious of an individual.

NLP is an integration of psychology, linguistics, neurology, cybernetics, and systems theory. NEURO represents that our life and experiences are tied into our senses and our Central Nervous System and our responses to our experiences is through both our conscious and subconscious minds. LINGUISTIC represents the fact that our mental processes are coded, organized and transformed by the use of our language. PROGRAMMING represents the patterns that individuals use to experience life and to communicate with themselves and others.

For the everyday person, it means that we can change the experience of one’s life by talking directly to a person’s subconscious and having it work with us to promote the changes we want to see on our lives. If we want to eliminate a bad habit, or stop smoking or lose weight, or eliminate specific fears, or enhance our athletic, social or mental abilities, we can now do so with the help, instead of the hindrance, of our subconscious minds. Our subconscious mind is the little voice we hear that seems to work against us when we are trying to make changes in our lives.  It is what says “Go ahead… eat that piece of cake.” when we are dieting, or “you will never even finish the race . . . why bother training?” or “you are not good enough to get that promotion, so don’t push so hard . . . just do the minimum to just get by.” NLP can be used to help change this little voice from saying “you can’t” to “you can!”

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