Dr. Reynolds is now a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner

On March 7th, 2016, Dr. Reynolds received his certification in the application of the Law of Attraction from Global Sciences Foundation.  This certification verifies his ability to incorporate the Law of Attraction into his client’s lives either directly through his Law of Attraction Life Plan or through his client’s unique Mythic Life Plans, which are created on an individual basis.

What exactly is the Law of Attraction, and why would anyone want to incorporate it into their lives in the first place? The Law of Attraction is often described as the basis of “like attracts like.” The idea is that if you think positively, then only positive things will come into your life. It can be that, but it is so much more, but only if one understands it’s true nature and follows its rules. The reasons many try to use the Law of Attraction and they perceive it as failing is because they are not aware of its true nature or its rules.

The Law of Attraction has been called the primal source of power . . . the very power that has been used to create societies and civilizations of the past. It it part of the entire Universe, and it exists to give people who understand it’s nature anything they would want, weather it is perfect health, wealth, success, fulfilling personal relationships, elimination of obstacles, personals growth or to bring miracles into one’s life. The Law of attraction is there to serve all, not just a few select individuals.

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