We have had many calls and emails requesting what exactly the Hero’s Journey is. As such, we present it below:
The Hero’s Journey as identified by Joseph Campbell as the mono-myth can be seen as the stages a hero goes through within the tales all cultures have been handing down over the centuries. The hero, of course, has many names, but we all can immediately recognize him by his actions in the stories. He is Hercules. He is Jason of the Argonauts. He is Aladdin in 1001 Arabian Nights. He is Neo from the Matrix Trilogy and he is Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars Trilogy. The Hero’s Journey is normally viewed as a three act play with multiple scenes, each identifiable by the actions of the Hero. The three acts are The Departure, The Initiation, and finally the Return.
The Hero’s Journey begins with THE CALL TO ADVENTURE This happens normally in the ORDINARY WORLD for the hero, his home. Here nothing is special or extraordinary about it. It is here that the Hero is asked to leave what he knows to make things right or to find a solution to the problems being cause by external treats. Sometimes it is a calling from deep within the Hero, which he cannot understand or identify with.
The Second element in the Hero’s Journey is the REFUSAL OF THE CALL. The hero feels the fear of the unknown and declines to do anything. At this point another character in the story understands the need of the Hero to go onto the adventure and presses him or explains what would happen if the Hero does not accept the quest.
The next stage of the journey is the arrival of SUPERNATUAL AID or a MENTOR. At this point, the Hero meets a God, Goddess, or someone who knows the bigger world and is able to give the Hero training, advice, equipment or weapons that will be needed on the journey.
At the end of act one, we have THE CROSSING OF THE THRESHOLD. This where the Hero actually leaves his homelands and begins his exploration into the EXTRAORDINARY or SPECIAL WORLD. This world has completely different from the ORDINARY WORLD that the Hero is used to. This world has different rules, different customs, and is a much more dangerous. This world can be the domain of the Gods, another planet, another continent, or a magical realm.
Once the hero crosses the threshold, he ENTERS THE BELLY OF THE WHALE. This basically represents going into dangerous unknown territory.
Act two, THE INITIATION, begins with THE ROAD OF TRIALS. This is where the Hero’s resolve is tested and he begins to go through small trials that will harden him enough to be able to meet the journey’s main challenge later down the road. This is where the Hero may befriend other characters or make new enemies. This phase is where we start to see the true mettle of the Hero.
THE MEETING WITH THE GODDESS is when the Hero meets a powerful female figure that creates a bond with the Hero and generally gives him something that will help in his final challenge.
The act continues with the Hero meeting a WOMAN AS TEMPTRESS. She can be young or old, but what she does is to try to tempt the Hero to give up on his quest and come and stay with her or to go home. She tries to instill the idea that the world is not his responsibility.
After the Hero comes to a new sense of purpose, the Hero then goes through the ATONEMENT WITH THE FATHER. The hero comes across a father figure that must give him approval, be persuaded or must be beaten. This father figure is always an authority figure and may even be a God.
The next phase the Hero must experience is APOTHEOSIS. This is where the Hero comes to a greater understanding as to his own abilities, his place in the world, and the nature of the world. It is often represented as a rebirth where the trials of the journey killed the Child Hero just to awaken the Man Hero. It is also often represented by a change in the physical appearance of the Hero.
The last phase of act two is THE ULTIMATE BOON and it is generally the goal of the journey is finally achieved. It is the climax of the story where all the tension of the story is resolved. In many cases it is when the Hero finds the object of power or treasure.
Act three, THE RETURN, begins with THE REFUSAL TO RETURN. After defeating the challenge, receiving the Boon, becoming enlightened, and finding his bliss, the Hero refuses to go back to his old ORDINARY WORLD. The Hero knows that the SPECIAL WORLD is larger and more exciting than the ORDINARY WORLD that he originally came from.
The next phase is the MAGIC FLIGHT where the Hero, along with the boon returns to the ORDINARY WORLD, often while being chased by the remainder of the villains, or while trying to get the boon to a predetermined place within a certain amount of time to prevent catastrophe.
At the end of the MAGIC FLIGHT, we have the RESCUE FROM WITHOUT. The Hero is then rescued from someone that may have abandoned the journey or it may be from a grateful God. The Hero never suspects being rescued.
CROSSING THE RETURN THRESHOLD. The Hero returns home, but normally not before one last test ot trial. Perhaps fighting an enemy already thought vanquished. The Hero is once again purified by one last sacrifice on a higher level.
Once the Hero is safe at home, he then becomes THE MASTER OF BOTH WORLDS. This means he is able to transverse the threshold without any more trials, it also represents his mastery over his inner world because he was able to conquer his fears and innermost challenges during the journey. His test and trials validates his mastery over his outer world, which has now become so much larger then before the journey.
Having completed the challenge, the Hero is now has the FREEDOM TO LIVE. The Hero earned his ability to live as he chooses. Many times he becomes a ruler, teacher or adviser. Whatever his new call, the Hero must continue to use the Boon for the benefit of others, or the journey would be for naught.
The Hero’s Journey does not always have to include all of the above elements. That is what makes an individual’s journey so unique. That is also what makes our Mythic Life Program so special. It is tailored specifically for the individual. No two are alike.